This quote started my lession on unity. Pres. Christenson said" It is better to be united on a infeior plan than to be divided on a superior plans." There is a scripture in Isaiah 55:8-9 that talks about, your thoughts are not my thoughts, this is God telling the people he is different and has differnt plans. Wow, this was what I needed. I am not the same as other missionary's and they are not the same as me. We have different ideas, WHICH IS GREAT, that is how it is ment to be. Is this not the miracle of unity? That all can work togeather for the good of man kind. Because of this we had deeper dissuctions on the Gospel of the Lord, we did better work and much more that I will not write.
The best thing I can say is, God does care, he has wanted to teach me unity for a long time, at least 2 years, most likely, my whole life.
well done! thanks for the insite!