We were doing our missionary thing, talking to people, being nice, having a good time, then the rude guy. He is the one person in your day that can make it our break it, the turning point, the tip of the ice burg(one more) the Climax of all the fun and good time you were having or he is no big deal. How did it go........ Great we ignored him and went on our way. : ) I love how Peter( his name means rock) speaks of a stone of stumbling and a rock of offence. The Question comes in most peoples day; How did we treat the rock of our day, did we kick it out of our road, did we step over it with out a problem, we did, it was great, and a little fun.( I later skipped into the water)
1 peter 2:8 Check out Peter, he has much to say.
This reminds me of one of Elder Cook's posts... something about taking the worst part of an experience and making it your favorite. I think his example was about moving-- rather than dreading it, he has embraced it and made it fun. You know that you will encounter 'that guy' everyday-- but rather than have a melt-down, freak out you just let it roll off your back. I need to follow both of your examples and embrace all the stones I encounter at work! Thanks Elder Fallon.